Supporting you in the development of your franchise in Switzerland

Nous sommes à vos côtés pour faire croître votre business en Suisse et à l'international

The Francheezer team specialises in advising franchisers in Switzerland and in the search for franchisee candidates.

We offer in-depth franchise expertise and work with you to find qualified franchisees who are passionate about your brand.

We support you throughout the process, from the initial evaluation of candidates to the finalisation of the franchise agreement.

Nous vous garantissons des résultats concrets et mesurables pour votre entreprise. Faites appel à notre expertise et comme l'Ecole Lenôtre, EasyGym, Cavavin ou encore Guinot, laissez-nous vous aider à développer votre réseau de franchise en Suisse et à l'International.

We are Franchise and Digital Experts

The Francheezer team is made up offranchise experts, recruitment specialists and digital marketing professionals.

We act on behalf of large international groups and SMEs wishing to establish themselves in Switzerland. Our expertise and our network allow us to support Swiss brands wishing to develop in Europe or worldwide.

We work on behalf of Swiss Distribution (Swiss Franchise Federation) in the framework of thematic conferences and as experts at French-speaking Franchise Days at FER Geneva.

We co-organise a reference event, the e-Rencontres franco-suisses de la Franchise. This digital event, sponsored by Swiss Distribution and the French Franchise Federation, brings together brands wishing to develop in Switzerland and franchise candidates.

About Francheezer team

Laure Limousin

Laure Limousin ▪ Experte Franchise

Laure Limousin

franchise expert & co-founder
Spécialiste de la Franchise et du recrutement, Laure limousin a exploité toutes les facettes du métier de direction des opérations & réseau dans l’univers du F&B mais aussi de l’esthétique et de la beauté.

My background

▪ Over 25 years of experience in sales, management and the franchise industry

▪ Expertise in managing international franchised businesses

▪ Experience in the F&B industry, the aesthetics and beauty industry and the mobile phone sector

▪ Co-organiser of the digital event "les E-rencontres franco-suisses de la Franchise

▪ Speaker for the Swiss Franchise Federation (swiss distribution)

Expertise & Services

▪ Used to managing large management teams for profit centres

▪ Sales and business development

▪ Coaching and management consulting for franchisees

▪ Franchise development strategies

▪ Adaptation of the franchise concept to the local Swiss background

▪ Recruitment of franchisees and master franchisees

▪ Connecting franchisors with local partners and a full range of local franchising professional services

Estelle Limousin

Estelle Limousin ▪ Franchise Expert

Estelle Limousin

franchise expert & co-founder
Spécialiste Franchise dans l'univers de la restauration, elle a occupé de nombreux postes en exploitation. Elle a également dirigé l'animation d'un réseau de 22 unités pour le groupe "Paradis du Fruit".

My background

Over 20 years of experience in the F&B industry

Operation and management of a network of franchised restaurants (in an international group)

Expertise in managing multi-concept franchise networks

Expertise & Services

Recruitment of franchisees and master-franchisees

HR Recruitment

Management of operations and franchise networks

Support for the opening of sales outlets with the development departments

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