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The Cavavin network is made up of a network of independent, epicurean retailers who like to recommend authentic, exclusive wines to their customers, from a range of French wines and wines from all over the world.

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Beauty, health, fitness

Guinot membership is the guarantee of methodical management of the Institute, for greater working comfort and greater profitability. Guinot treatments and products have been recognised by beauticians and customers for over 40 years for their visible results. Production in France to pharmaceutical standards is a guarantee of product quality and origin.

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Happy Cash

Specialist retailers

The Happy Cash group is considered to be the leader in second-hand goods in Europe, with 180 shops in 5 countries. More than 40 years of experience in the world of buying and reselling second-hand products with various brands.

In early 2019, the Happy Cash group acquired the network, formerly known as Troc de l'Ile.

The various banners represented by the Happy Cash group are mostly located in secondary towns.

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Happy Cash Services

Specialist retailers

The Happy Cash group is considered to be the leader in second-hand goods in Europe, with 180 shops in 5 countries. More than 40 years of experience in the world of buying and reselling second-hand products with various brands.

In early 2019, the Happy Cash group acquired the network, formerly known as Troc de l'Ile.

The various banners represented by the Happy Cash group are mostly located in secondary towns.

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Happy Troc

Specialist retailers

The Happy Cash group is considered to be the leader in second-hand goods in Europe, with 180 shops in 5 countries. More than 40 years of experience in the world of buying and reselling second-hand products with various brands.

In early 2019, the Happy Cash group acquired the network, formerly known as Troc de l'Ile.

The various banners represented by the Happy Cash group are mostly located in secondary towns.

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